Beginning Again, Softly, 20” x 20” x 4”, cement, rebar, and pink cotton balls, 2019
Softly, Filling Holes, installation with pink cotton balls in large chemical drum, June 2019
These installations and sculptures are in response to the derelict restricted areas of the old CUF industrial park where chemical fertilizer was made in Barreiro, Portugal.
re-pair: how things meet and touch each other
repair as subject, care as verb / I want to give softness to the rough (land)scape / to value repair is to flatten the hierarchy of ordering relationships / reality, reality / tenderness for the land, humans / touch
There was a hurt that lay between two colors, a shade not resolved in the mind because it is the mind, installation with five white linen panels with poem fragment* written in pyrite ash, June 2019
* “Dioxin Sunset” fragment, with permission from Brenda Hillman
A Shade Not Resolved, 17” x 58” x 7”, cement and rebar, 2019
a hurt
I feel a pain / a deep hurt with no intention, but great consequence / I want to mend, bandage, heal / I fall in to fall out / Ecopoetics and the Anthropocene / Brenda Hillman’s poem Dioxin Sunset / her lines touch an intersection between the land and the people / CUF and the color of land there / there, a place that isn’t there / a bruise / an unnamed color because it is a state more than a color / toxic and beautiful and sad / the land, humans
“there was a hurt that lay between two colors, / a shade not resolved in the mind / because it is the mind.”
hand…cement…hand…cement…land…cement…land… cement…hand
kan ze on na mu butsu yo butsu u in yo butsu u en bu po so en jo raku ga
...cement…hand…cement…hand…cement…land…cement… hand...cement
jo chon en kan ze on bon en kan ze on nen nen ju shin ki nen nen fu ri shin